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Creating a Wildlife Friendly Garden

Post date: October 22, 2018

Creating a wildlife friendly garden

When you have an artificial lawn installed, it does not mean that you have to say goodbye to the variety of creatures that would otherwise visit your garden. Especially during the colder months, animals will struggle to find food, however even with an artificial lawn you can still give them a helping hand and possibly somewhere to live in your garden.

To attract birds, who would usually look for worms or other insects living in a natural lawn, why not try making fat balls to keep their energy reserves high over winter? These are easily made using a mixture of suet, oats, seeds or nuts, and rolled into a ball which is then hung in your garden. Bird boxes placed on trees or in quiet areas of your garden can also be hugely beneficial when it comes to nesting season.

To provide a home for insects such as ladybirds and bees, place an assortment of twigs, leaves, rolled up paper or hollow reeds inside a wooden box or an open bird feeder and hang in your garden. This is ideal for people with artificial lawns who would still like to protect many endangered species of insects, giving them somewhere safe to live whilst you enjoy your artificial lawn throughout the whole year round.

Finally, it may be worth considering leaving a small corner of your garden wild, if you have the space to do so. By leaving a small space untended to, you are providing a sanctuary for birds, insects, and other small mammals such as hedgehogs in an otherwise pristine and well-maintained garden.

There are many other ways of keeping your garden nature friendly when you have an artificial lawn installed, even in the smallest of spaces. If you have any other questions about how an artificial lawn would be beneficial to you and your garden, be sure to contact Artificial Grass of Derbyshire who would be happy to help, even visiting your garden to discuss its suitability. Artificial Grass of Derbyshire also provides pet-friendly artificial grass suitable for dogs and cats, why not read our other blog post about pet friendly lawns here?