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Artificial Grass Installation – The Step by Step Guide

Post date: April 14, 2021

Here at Artificial Grass Derbyshire, we offer a full supply and installation service throughout the Derbyshire area. However, for those looking to install our artificial grass themselves we have created this step by step guide to hopefully help you lay a new lawn you will be proud of.

How do I install artificial grass?

  1. Measure the area and grab your tools!
  2. Prepare your garden
  3. Lay your granite dust base and compact it down
  4. Lay your underlay and artificial grass
  5. Join any edges together and trim
  6. Pin down
  7. Brush over and enjoy!

Measure your garden and grab your tools

The first step when carrying out your artificial grass installation is of course to ensure you have the correct tools for the job. Start by measuring the area where you would like to install the fake grass and contact our team with your measurements so we can provide the correct quantities for your project. Once you have your artificial grass at the ready, you’ll need to make sure you have the right tools for a successful installation. To install your artificial grass you will need a turf cutter, Stanley knife, steel nails or ground pins and tape.

Prepare your garden

Prepare your garden by removing your current grass or artificial grass, for ease of removal we strongly recommend that your existing turf is thoroughly soaked the night before you plan to remove it, this makes digging your lawn up much easier. This can be done using a turf cutter or spade but make sure you’re cautious of any cables or water pipes in the area. Once you have removed your grass, remove any obstructions that may remain. Remove any large stones or weeds from the area and compact the ground in preparation for your base.

Lay your sand or stone base

If you are adding an edging to your lawn, this is the point to do so for a seamless finish, however this is optional. Once your garden is prepared and your edging is in place, you can then begin to compact the sub-base, we recommend using of granite dust. If there is an issue with drainage within the proposed new artificial lawn area, then we would advise first laying a depth of “MOT” type 1, once again firmly compacted. When evenly distributed across the area, compact your stone down to create a flat and level base to lay your grass upon.

Roll out your underlay and lay your artificial grass

Now that your base is prepared, you can begin to install your grass underlay. Simply roll out your underlay over your lawn ensuring to cover the whole area in preparation the installation of your artificial grass. Once your underlay is in place, you can carefully unroll the turf over the area. Be careful not to move the underlay during this process and for best results roll your grass towards your house as this gives the best appearance when viewing from your home.

Join edges, trim and pin down

When you’re happy with the placement of your grass, you can start to seal any edges together using our artificial tape and artificial grass adhesive. Take your backing tape and lay it between the lengths of grass, apply adhesive to seal and place the grass back down to secure in place. To trim your artificial grass to fit your garden, simply run your knife around the edges you would like to adjust until you are happy with the fit. Your grass should now be ready to secure in its place. Use galvanised steel nails or ground pins around the edges of your fake grass, hammering into place on an angle.

Finishing touches

Now that your new artificial lawn is successfully installed, take a brush and sweep over your grass to give a natural look. During transportation your grass may have been flattened, so simply brushing against your grass will truly bring your lawn to life. And the final step, relax and enjoy your new garden!

For any further information on artificial grass installation or to order your fake grass today, contact our professional team by enquiring online or giving us a call today.